Haley loves to play with her Elmo chair. We got this for her after returning a couple of duplicate Christmas/Birthday presents and she loves it.

She'll do a complete lap around the chair to pick out her point of attack and then she'll just flop down on it.

Or sometimes she'll fold it up so that it's taller and then she'll climb over it.

Or she'll crawl really fast and barrel her head into one of the corners.

She really likes to get in and out of the chair by climbing over the back of it.

Every once in awhile she will stop and sit in it for a few minutes.

Then she usually gets up and finds a toy to throw into the chair and then she'll climb back on and throw the toy off.

It's really fun to watch her entertain herself, especially when she'll do it in one spot like this.

She's on the go most of the time now, so it's much easier to watch her go up, over, around, and down the chair, than going around the house and getting into everything.

And she's not the only one who really likes this chair either.