We went over the Munn's Christmas morning to visit with Justin's grandparents. Haley had a couple of presents to open and Justin and I stole a few treats to eat.

Haley was starved for attention as usual.

Learning how to head butt with Grandad!

Next we went over to Susiebell's and Haley loved the big ornaments on her tree!

Haley had a little snack before we opened some more presents. Haley was ready for a nap before she finished opening her presents, so we relaxed and visited while she slept.

Tara and Eric in front of the tree - their first Christmas as an old married couple!

Haley was still sleeping when Sue's brothers and their families got there, but she woke up just in time to eat.

We had a delicious meal and enjoyed catching up with Justin's family.

We really should have Christmas dinner more than once a year!

The kids' table - maybe next year Haley!

Haley and Susiebell

We had a wonderful Christmas, spending time together with our families and watching our sweet little girl enjoy the holiday. (Maybe next year she'll learn how to pose!)