We celebrated with my family on Christmas Eve. After a yummy dinner we made some drinks and gathered 'round the tree for presents.

Haley must have sensed something was about to happen because she headed right over to the presents.

Anna digging into her stocking.

Haley learned how to climb at Christmas and her favorite thing to do was get on top of all the boxes.

Anna helped open Daniel's presents too.

Haley played with the wrapping paper some too, but...

the boxes were definitely her favorite.

Scooter and Cricket got some presents too.

Anna wrapped up with her Dora blanket.

More paper and boxes for Haley!

Anna liked to play with everything as she unwrapped it.

Daniel and his loot.

Granny and Pops got Haley a wooden cradle for her baby dolls, but Haley put her new climbing skills to use and got right in.

Ride em cowgirl!

Justin spent most of the night behind the video camera. And Scooter tried to stay close to him and stay away from the kids.

Anna and Granny reading a book in the middle of the aftermath.

Hey, Where did all the boxes go?

Haley ready for bed in her Christmas pjs. David was there, but he was behind the camera all night and didn't make it into any of the pictures. Dad was in Texas with Grandma for Christmas, so we missed him, but we had a really good time and enjoyed watching the kids have fun.