Haley and I stayed in Columbia after her birthday party, while Justin had to come home to chill work. I thought we would have a few days of downtime, but we were actually pretty busy. Haley and Anna played in Haley's new wagon some (before it came back to Albany with Justin). And they dressed up in their matching ballerina pajamas!

On Monday, Haley and I had lunch with my friend Sara and then we did a little shopping. Monday night Mom and I were going to take Haley to the Carolina basketball game, but first we crashed Sara's nephew's birthday party. We hung out with them, and Haley made herself at home by begging for cake, apparently my poor girl inherited my sweet tooth. Sara was sitting on the floor and giving her niece a bite of her cake. Haley saw what was going on and walked over to Sara and stood right in front of her, with her mouth open wide, until Sara gave her a bite too. Haley's eyes didn't leave the fork, and she tried to grab the plate/piece of cake several times too! But after the party, we decided it was too late to go to the game, so we went to a bar instead. Actually Mom had something important she needed to see the bartender about, so we did stop by, have one drink, and document Haley's first trip to the bar at Bonefish.
On Tuesday, Haley and I met Page to do a little shopping at Target since Page was driving through town on her way home. I finished up my Christmas shopping and Page bought Haley a little babydoll! Tuesday night, we took Haley over to Sara and Eric's to play with Anna for a little bit. Us moms hung out for a little bit and got the girls to bed, before we headed out for dinner and drinks. Eric stayed home with Daniel and the two sleeping girls and we had a Moms' Night Out.
On Wednesday, Haley and I drove up to Greenwood to see the Carrolls. Owen is almost exactly 6 months younger than Haley, and he better not forget it! He was so sweet and happy the whole time and Haley just wanted to steal his pacifier. We visited for a little while and Haley crawled around and helped Erin figure out what all needs to be baby proofed. Then Chris came home and we all went out for lunch. It was a nice visit and hopefully we can all get together again before football season next year!

And this is the cutest video of Haley and Anna playing with one of her new toys. Who knew that Haley's patented dance move would take off this quickly?
