Sunday night in Missouri we loaded up two cars with all the kids, strollers, blankets, hats, gloves, and snacks we could fit and headed out to
Silver Dollar City for the Christmas lights and parade. After we parked we took a bus to the park and Haley stood on my lap, held on to the handle on the seat in front of us and shook it for the whole ride.

Once we got there we walked around for a little bit, took some pictures, and then met up with some other cousins in time for the tree lighting ceremony. Haley and Anna were enthralled with the show, and Daniel was hungry.

After the tree lighting we headed down the hill a little ways to stake out a spot for the parade. We fed our kids dinner and watched the older kids run around until it was time for the parade to start. Sara and I sat on the ground with Haley and Anna in our laps for the parade and the girls were just mesmerized. Haley had her mouth hanging open and just stared with wide eyes as all the floats and characters passed by. Anna waved to everyone and was in awe of all the lights. Even Daniel was impressed, his eyes and mouth were wide open as each float came by. I don't have any pictures of the parade, because we just enjoyed watching it and the kids. But here are some more from when we watched the tree show again on the way out of the park.

It was quite a chore to pack up everything and haul the kids and strollers all around the park, but it was definitely worth it to watch their little faces take in all the Christmas lights. And now I'll leave you with a sideways video of the Musical Christmas Tree.