My Sweet Haley,
This past year has been the most incredible year of my life. It has been harder and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. I have cried tears of exhaustion, tears of frustration, tears of sympathy, tears of pride, tears of joy, tears of fear, tears of guilt, tears of gratitude, and tears of utter happiness. I have grown and changed more in one year than I ever thought possible.
Being a mother is the most profound thing that has ever happened to me. There are definitely hard and frustrating times, but I strive to cherish all the time I have with you. I know that there are too many women that will never get to be mothers and too many mothers that have lost their children, and I try to remember each and every day how lucky I am to have you. I try to live in the moment and enjoy every smile, tickle, kiss and laugh, because I know that I am never guarenteed another one.
You have such an amazing personality. You are funny and strong willed, curious and studious, independent and social, all at the same time. You love movement - to spin, to jump, to rock, to ride on things, to bounce, to dance. You are shy at first, but once you are comfortable you have so much to say. You want to accomplish things and can get frustrated so easily. You love to push things around the house, but you often run into things and get stuck. Sometimes you lay on the floor and put your head on your hands like it's the biggest tragedy you can imagine, other times you keep pushing and are sure that sheer determination will move that cabinet out of your way.
I want to raise you to have a strong faith, to be kind, to believe in yourself, to be indpendent, to be loyal and to cherish your friends and family. I want you to enjoy life, to pursue your passions, chase your dreams, live your life to the fullest, and become the woman you are meant to be. I want you to be happy and healthy, and to enjoy living a life of which you can be proud.
One year ago, I had no idea how much you would change me. I knew my life would change, but you've changed the very core of who I am. I love being your mother and know that God made you a perfect match for me. You challenge and inspire me daily and have made me want to be the best person I can be.
I love you more than you will ever know,
This past year has been the most incredible year of my life. It has been harder and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. I have cried tears of exhaustion, tears of frustration, tears of sympathy, tears of pride, tears of joy, tears of fear, tears of guilt, tears of gratitude, and tears of utter happiness. I have grown and changed more in one year than I ever thought possible.
