Friday afternoon Justin took Haley down to Manning to spend some time with her Grandpa and to meet the piggies. I stayed in Columbia with the dogs, because we've decided it's usually better for us to spend some time apart on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. He did good keeping me updated on all their activities with cell phone pics. This first one he sent was of Haley getting in touch with her wild side. And then they went to feed the wild kitties that hang out at the farm.

On Saturday morning they rode over to the farm so Haley could see the pigs. Mike actually lives on the farm and they just rode on a dirt road across a field and around the woods to get to the hog houses, so Justin let Haley ride in the front seat and sent me this cell phone picture.
They picked out a baby pig that had just been born that day for Haley to inspect. And then they wiped off the camera lense and took some more pictures.

She was pretty curious of the big mama pigs and not afraid of the little baby pigs at all. She actually tried to stick her hand in their mouths, which she does to us a lot, but her Daddy wouldn't let her get too close, because baby pigs have some pretty sharp teeth.

I won't say too much about what happened Saturday afternoon, but I'm pretty sure my little redneck baby was wishing she was wearing garnet with her mommy! 34 - 17 GO GAMECOCKS!!
