While I was in Atlanta and Justin went to the Clemson/FSU game Haley spent the weekend in Columbia with the grandparents. I met my parents about half way to Atlanta Friday night and let them take Haley for the night. Sara, Anna, and Daniel came over Saturday morning to visit and play, but there were 3 kids and only 3 adults, so I didn't get any pictures of that. Then Susiebelle came to get Haley around lunch time and kept her Saturday night.
They had a good time and even went to a park to swing and visit with some of Justin's cousins.

I know we don't have any family close by, but it's really nice to know that we do have wonderful families that are willing to help out and watch our little girl, so that we get some grown up time every now and then. Although I think they enjoy the Haley time just as much as we enjoy our time!
