During the first weekend of November some of my college girls got together for a night in Atlanta. It was a really quick trip, but we had such a good time! It was the first time in over two years that no one was pregnant, but Lauren and Marge did have a few pumping parties so they could take some food home for their young babes. Stephanie let us crash at her new house, so Saturday we had to wait for her new bed to be delivered. The delivery guys had to move the old bed into the guest room and then set up the new bed, and it was time for a pumping party, but since both bedrooms were unavailable Lauren and Margaret had to split up. Lauren hid in the master bath and Marge hung out in the kitchen and hid behind her coat so she could pump while the bed was being delivered so that we could head out to lunch right after. Now, I know that was a lot of talk about pumping, but I had to explain what this picture is and why it makes me laugh!
So after the bed was delivered and set up, we went out for a late lunch and to catch the end of a pathetic Gamecock football game (we got whooped by Arkansas). We had a great time riding in the minivan and catching up at lunch.
Apparently we were not the only ones having a good time, because there was something very interesting to see when we got back to the house.
The dogs had been quite busy while we were gone and got into the trash. There were coffee grinds (grounds?? I'm not a coffee drinker!) and egg shells and trash all over. And Margaret's suitcase had been pushed across the room and opened because she was hiding some candy in there. There were even eggshells perfectly unharmed (aside from when Sara opened them for breakfast) on the couch and the chair!
After cleaning up, we hung out at the house for awhile, had some drinks, played some games, and laughed a lot! The dogs spent some time resting up from their exciting afternoon. And then it was time to get ready to go out for dinner. So there were a few more drinks and a few dance moves and then we were on our way. 
We went out for sushi and some drinks and just enjoyed being together again (and those of us with kids enjoyed a kid free night). It was a short trip, but I had a wonderful time and was so happy to see Steph's house, meet her dogs and hang out with my girls again! I'm so lucky to have such a good group of friends and can't believe it's been over 12 years since we met freshman year!
