I've tried about 5 different times to get this video to load the right way, but I can't figure it out. I'm sure you get the idea though. This was Friday evening. If Haley sounds a little hoarse, it's because she's sick. Like two other kids in her class she has RSV, but she is doing ok. We took her to the doctor Friday and she was wheezing pretty good, but after a few days of nebulizer treatments she's doing much better. The doctor said it usually lingers for a long time,there's usually a lot of snot, and she may cough for a month or two. But she's doing well now, just congested and a little whiny. She's still having fun and playing hard though, so she should be good to go for her birthday this weekend.
I've tried about 5 different times to get this video to load the right way, but I can't figure it out. I'm sure you get the idea though. This was Friday evening. If Haley sounds a little hoarse, it's because she's sick. Like two other kids in her class she has RSV, but she is doing ok. We took her to the doctor Friday and she was wheezing pretty good, but after a few days of nebulizer treatments she's doing much better. The doctor said it usually lingers for a long time,there's usually a lot of snot, and she may cough for a month or two. But she's doing well now, just congested and a little whiny. She's still having fun and playing hard though, so she should be good to go for her birthday this weekend.