Dear Haley,
I cannot believe that you are 11 months old. It is amazing how fast this year has gone by. You are so much fun right now, a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. Your sense of humor has really developed lately. You crack yourself up and make us laugh all the time.
You love to be outside and seem to miss it now that it's colder. You love to "throw" the ball for the dogs and although you have a pretty good arm and can make a decent throw - you always seem to just hold the tennis balls in your hand and tease the dogs with them.
Cricket and Scooter are still pretty gun shy when it comes to playing with you, probably even more so now that you've gotten a lot louder. But they do love it when you are in your highchair. They both love to wait for scraps and like the fact that you can't get them. You certainly enjoy the attention and have learned to lean over and let the dogs eat of your hand.
You absolutely adore your Daddy and he can make you laugh like no one else. Each afternoon the dogs get so excited when Daddy gets home and that's your cue to crawl out to the kitchen to wait for him to open the door.
You are really into packing and unpacking things and emptied out the entire tupperware drawer one night, but only put a few things back in before you moved on to something else. You really like to explore the whole house right now. You'll go around a room playing with anything that looks interesting. Once you make your way back to the door, you head out and move on to the next room.
Your favorite thing to do right now is to push things around the house. You have a ride on/push toy thing that you use sometimes, but you'll push anything (magazines, brushes, chairs, towels, etc), but your favorite thing to push is empty diaper boxes. You'll push them crawling or walking and now you like to put stuff in them and push it around. I like it when you push the boxes too, because once you run into something you can pick the box up and turn it around, but you need help with some of the other stuff you push and you get frustrated when a wall gets in your way.
You were a pretty adorable Tigger for your first Halloween and did pretty well with the costume, except you don't really like to wear things on your head.
There are really no words to express how much joy you have brought to my life. You are so fun and full of life and being your mom is the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. It is so rewarding to see how you learn and grow everyday and how you love to share every new discovery with me. I love you so much and I am so incredibly grateful that you are in my life.
I cannot believe that you are 11 months old. It is amazing how fast this year has gone by. You are so much fun right now, a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. Your sense of humor has really developed lately. You crack yourself up and make us laugh all the time.
