This was the first morning that Haley was sitting up in her crib when I went to get her in the morning. She was pretty sleepy at first, but I guess the flash woke her up and she was happy to see me!
I turned on the light for this next picture and her eyes really weren't ready for that! Even though Scooter doesn't really like Haley he gets so excited every morning when I go get her up. As soon as I start walking across the house he jumps out of bed and runs to Haley's room and waits for me to open the door - I think maybe he's hoping one morning she won't be there or something. The morning after I took these pictures Haley was sitting up again, but she had both legs sticking out of the crib slats and was able to reach her book and was banging on the crib with it - so we are now using breathable bumpers to keep her arms, legs, and pacifiers in the crib at all times.
Haley finally started crawling on September 24th. For the week or so before that when I picked her up at day care I would stand at the door and tell her that if she crawled to me I would pick her up and take her home. And she would act like she was going to crawl, but once she got on her hands and feet she would sit back down and wave her arms until I picked her up. But that Thursday she saw me walk in and started waving her arms at me and I said well, come here and to my surprise she did! She just crawled right over to me like she'd been doing it all her life!
I took this first video with my cell phone that afternoon. She was so excited to be on the move. When Justin got home he was putting all his stuff on the counter and Haley was sitting there on the floor waving her arms and screaming like she always did, and I said go ahead Haley crawl to Daddy and she crawled right to him. He looked at me and his eyes got real big and he was so proud of hislittle girl!
She still crawls on a combination of feet and knees, but mostly keeps her right leg straight and uses that foot. I like to call her my little peg leg! But she does like to use both feet on the kitchen tile. She tends to get turned around easily since she is usually going sideways or at an angle. This video was the 3rd day she was crawling and Justin just got home from playing golf, so Cricket, Scooter and Haley were all very excited to see him!
One other trick that is pretty cute is when she gives kisses. At first she couldn't really control her tongue, but she's finally learned to keep it in her mouth. Eventually we may get to a closed mouth kiss, but the ones she gives right now (with her mouth open REALLY wide) are pretty stinkin sweet.

Haley finally started crawling on September 24th. For the week or so before that when I picked her up at day care I would stand at the door and tell her that if she crawled to me I would pick her up and take her home. And she would act like she was going to crawl, but once she got on her hands and feet she would sit back down and wave her arms until I picked her up. But that Thursday she saw me walk in and started waving her arms at me and I said well, come here and to my surprise she did! She just crawled right over to me like she'd been doing it all her life!
I took this first video with my cell phone that afternoon. She was so excited to be on the move. When Justin got home he was putting all his stuff on the counter and Haley was sitting there on the floor waving her arms and screaming like she always did, and I said go ahead Haley crawl to Daddy and she crawled right to him. He looked at me and his eyes got real big and he was so proud of his
She still crawls on a combination of feet and knees, but mostly keeps her right leg straight and uses that foot. I like to call her my little peg leg! But she does like to use both feet on the kitchen tile. She tends to get turned around easily since she is usually going sideways or at an angle. This video was the 3rd day she was crawling and Justin just got home from playing golf, so Cricket, Scooter and Haley were all very excited to see him!
One other trick that is pretty cute is when she gives kisses. At first she couldn't really control her tongue, but she's finally learned to keep it in her mouth. Eventually we may get to a closed mouth kiss, but the ones she gives right now (with her mouth open REALLY wide) are pretty stinkin sweet.