I went into the plant for my exit interview Friday morning October 2nd. I turned in my separation agreement, said Good-bye to everyone and 15 mins later was on the road to meet my nephew. Haley was at daycare and was staying home with Justin (my first night away from her!!). I got to Sara's house and was thinking Daniel would be this big baby because he was almost 9 pounds at birth - but he was tiny. It's crazy how quickly I've forgotten how small newborns are. He was perfect though - looking just like his daddy, with the longest fingers I've ever seen.

I spent a few minutes with them before they took Daniel to his doctor's appointment and I went to meet Dad for happy hour! A couple bars later, we brought dinner over and ate with the Hollars. I hung out for awhile and then went to Mom and Dad's for my first night away from my baby. I talked to Justin and they had a good afternoon, but a friend came by and Haley was late getting to bed, so she was overtired and fussy, but after fighting it for an hour she finally went to sleep. She did wake up once (she was on a kick of waking up once a night for 3 weeks straight), but went back down pretty quickly. I, on the other hand, slept all night, but still woke up at 7:00!

Saturday morning I hung out with Mom a little bit (she was sick, so I stay on the other side of the room) and then went back over to see the baby. I was there and held him a lot, even though I'm not in any of these pictures. We watched the pathetic Clemson game and then I was on my way home again. Haley was already in bed, and Justin was taking dinner off the grill as I walked in the door. Haley did wake up that night, and I didn't get the big excited "My Mama's home" greeting that I expected, but that's ok because it was 3:00 in the morning.

It was a quick trip, but I had a great time seeing my family and meeting my sweet little nephew, and I can't think of a better reason to leave my little girl overnight for the first time. Congratulations Sara and Eric!!!