Justin went on a work trip to Milwaukee for the week, so I've been single moming it since about 11:00 Sunday morning. But let me back up to sometime Saturday. I went to the bathroom and Justin was playing with Haley. All of a sudden I heard her scream and start wailing. I figured Haley fell and was just hoping she wasn't bleeding all over herself - but she had just bumped her head and was fine after about 2 minutes. And I told Justin that I was just glad she wasn't bleeding, and he said it was only a matter of time before she got a fat lip or cut herself or something.

So Sunday afternoon about 2 hours after we took Justin to the airport, Haley was looking out the window. She got distracted and turned around to look at something and when she turned back around she slipped and busted her face on the windowsill. She SCREAMED and there was blood running out of her mouth. I couldn't tell what was bleeding and didn't know if she bit her lip, knocked out a tooth, cut her chin, or punctured her top gums with her bottom teeth. I didn't know if I should call the doctor, take her to the emergency room, go to Urgent Care and of course I thought - I knew we were jinxed from our conversation yesterday and why did this have to happen while Justin's gone.

But after about 30 seconds of a mental freak out I took her into the kitchen and soaked up the blood with a paper towel and gave Haley a teething ring from the fridge to suck on. She stopped crying after a few minutes and it looked like the bleeding had stopped. She was tired and slept for about 30 minutes. She woke up and there was some bloody drool in her crib, but I was able to see that it looked like she hit and bruised her chin and bit the tip of her tongue to cause the bleeding. So it wasn't really a big deal, and there really wasn't that much blood (you can see it on her shoulder in these last 2 pics), but it was the first dramatic fall and I thought it should be documented.
