Sara was dilated to 4 cm and 80% effaced at her 39 week appointment and they agreed that if she didn't go into labor on her own, then she would be induced on Sept 29th. Tuesday morning Sara was still pregnant, so she and Eric headed to the hospital to be induced. She finally got checked in and saw the doctor and he said she should go ahead and get an epidural if she wanted it, because they thought she would go pretty fast. So she got her epi around 10:30 and then they broke her water. Contractions started picking up shortly after that and by about 12:00 she was ready to push.
Daniel made his entrance at 12:24 pm, weighing 8 lbs 13 ozs, and measuring 21.5" in length. Sara and Daniel were both doing well and the visiting began. Granny and Pops were there, along with Eric's dad and sister. Later that afternoon Granny and Crazy Uncle David picked up Anna from school and brought her to meet her little brother for the first time. As they were waiting to go in Sara's room Granny said something about her little brother and Anna said "he's in mommy's tummy", but soon after she learned that he is out of mommy's tummy and is here to stay! They came home from the hospital Thursday and started life as a family of four.

Daniel made his entrance at 12:24 pm, weighing 8 lbs 13 ozs, and measuring 21.5" in length. Sara and Daniel were both doing well and the visiting began. Granny and Pops were there, along with Eric's dad and sister. Later that afternoon Granny and Crazy Uncle David picked up Anna from school and brought her to meet her little brother for the first time. As they were waiting to go in Sara's room Granny said something about her little brother and Anna said "he's in mommy's tummy", but soon after she learned that he is out of mommy's tummy and is here to stay! They came home from the hospital Thursday and started life as a family of four.
