Haley had a 9 month well baby visit on Monday, Sept 21 and she got a glowing review. She weighs 20 lbs 14 oz which puts her in the 75th percentile for weight. She is 27 3/4 inches long, which is the 50th percentile for length and her head is in the 90th percentile. So she is in the exact same percentiles as she was at her 6 month appointment.
Her newest accomplishments are waving, saying dada (I'm not completely sure she knows what it means, but I've only heard her say it when Justin is around - so maybe she does?), giving kisses (she prefers to do it open mouth and sometimes with tongue), pulling up to her feet, walking a few steps if you hold her hands and crawling a few steps using the crab crawl (hands and feet instead of hands and knees). She also eats toast and cheerios now and cut her second tooth 3 days before her 9 month birthday.
She did have another cold this month and a little viral rash to go with it. She also had some crusty ears, which ended up being swimmer's ear (probably from bath water) and not a "real" ear infection.
She went on her first girl's trip, when she and I went to Atlanta to see Sara S. and Stephanie and to help chew on blinds do some work at Steph's new house. She also got to celebrate the kickoff of her first football season with Gamecock and Tiger victories, and some other excitement that night. She spent her actual 9 month birthday in Columbia, visiting her with her great-grandparents.
She loves to stand up and can do it by herself for 5-6 seconds. Her favorite thing right now is to stand up facing you, holding your hands and rock back and forth. She likes to go fast and if you stop rocking her, she'll rock herself. She also loves to tear up magazines and put them in her mouth and likes to spit food at you when she starts getting full.
She is an absolute joy and I can't believe she is 9 months old already. I love her to pieces and am so grateful to be her mom - now if I can just get her to say Mama!
