Haley's 10th month went by so fast - it's kind of a blur! I finished working at Cooper and was officially laid off October 2nd. And Haley was going through some kind of issue and wasn't sleeping well. She probably went about 5-6 weeks where she woke up at least once almost every night. It was tough going back to mostly interrupted sleep - makes me wonder how I survived the newborn days of permanent sleep deprivation. But near the end of the month, she got back to sleeping for about 12 hours at night and taking 2 naps each about an hour long.
It seems like I hardly took any pictures, but now that she's crawling; it's a lot harder to leave her somewhere to go get the camera and she doesn't stay still for long. We keep most her toys in our bedroom since it's carpeted and she has thoroughly explored our room and our bathroom. She is now pulling up on everything and would much rather stand up than sit down. She loves to walk with you holding her hands and she cruises around the furniture pretty well. She is also very deliberate when she sits down and squats a lot when she can't decide if she wants to stand up or sit down and crawl over to something else. She really likes to try to get to the trashcan in the bathroom and to crawl onto the scale so that it lights up. She also loves to play with doors and has shut herself in the bathroom a couple of times, but so far we've avoided smashing any fingers. And of course she is drawn to any cords or wires in her sight and the dog food is also a favorite destination.
She's still doing well at daycare and is actually friends with the rowdiest boy in her class. Miss Gwyn and Miss Shonda say that she likes to chase Ricky around and then she'll let him chase her. She loves to play with balls and will crawl under the cribs and sometimes gets stuck trying to get them. She's also not a big sleeper at school. She'll go down for her hour, but is usually the first one up. She is eating well and has sampled lots of different table foods, but only eats cheese and toast on a normal basis. She also loves to drink out of real cups and wants a taste anytime a cup gets close to her.
She likes to study new things and watches how everything works before diving in and doing something. She is also very deliberate with her actions and concentrates hard when trying to do something. She laughs like crazy when you tickle her, when someone coughs or sneezes, or when you gurgle water. She LOVES to be scared and laughs at most sudden noises and she'll shriek too to try to make you laugh. She's still a pretty happy baby, but has started to form her own opinions now and will let you know when she's not happy. But she is still the best thing in our lives and it's such a blessing to be her parents.
