Like I said before Haley's not really crawling, but she can get around. She apparently doesn't like to be on her knees because she always pushes up to her feet and she hasn't quite figured out how to move her arms forward yet.
These first pictures show how she goes from laying down to sitting up. She'll push up with her arms and then walk her feet up, sticking her bottom up in the air and when her feet are close enough she'll bend her knees and kind of push herself back with her arms and ends up in a sitting position.

Then when she's sitting she'll see something she wants and she'll put her arms down and act like she's going to crawl right to it, but then once she's got some weight on her arms she'll stand up on her feet instead of staying on her knees and crawling.

So if getting on her hands and feet gets her closer she'll try to move her feet some more, but then instead of moving her arms, she'll bend her knees and push forward and land on her belly to move forward.

It's not very efficient, but it keeps her on the go and she can entertain herself pretty well - and it's pretty cute when she sticks her bottom way up in the air!
These first pictures show how she goes from laying down to sitting up. She'll push up with her arms and then walk her feet up, sticking her bottom up in the air and when her feet are close enough she'll bend her knees and kind of push herself back with her arms and ends up in a sitting position.
