I can't believe how quickly my baby is growing up. It seems like the last few weeks she's changed so much. She's learned to clap and wave. Here's a video of the clapping.
She can feed herself Puffs and Cheerios and has gotten much better with a sippy cup. She cut her first tooth 3 days before her 8 month birthday and started saying Da-da 3 days after it. Here's a video of her eating some puffs and if you look close you can see her tooth for a second!
She pulled up for the first time on Labor Day and now she can get into a sitting position from her tummy. She's still not really crawling, but she has no problem moving around,(more on that later) and she's doing some very wobbly cruising. She really likes to hold onto the bed and look up at Scooter. She tries to touch hisfeet paws and then he'll jump back like he was burned when she finally gets him.
And her hair is growing!
She can feed herself Puffs and Cheerios and has gotten much better with a sippy cup. She cut her first tooth 3 days before her 8 month birthday and started saying Da-da 3 days after it. Here's a video of her eating some puffs and if you look close you can see her tooth for a second!
She pulled up for the first time on Labor Day and now she can get into a sitting position from her tummy. She's still not really crawling, but she has no problem moving around,(more on that later) and she's doing some very wobbly cruising. She really likes to hold onto the bed and look up at Scooter. She tries to touch his
