Saturday after lunch some friends came over and brought Guitar Hero. Justin had never played before and very quickly became addicted. So much so, that on Sunday he convinced me that it would be fun to take Haley to the grocery store with me, so that he could "work" for a little while.
I agreed because, I thought Haley would look really cute riding in the shopping cart instead of her carseat for the first time. And of course, I was right...just check out this cuteness.
She was a little overwhelmed at first, and did A LOT of looking around. Then she started to relax some and was smiling at people and getting compliments of how cute she was, how good she was behaving, and of course how long her eyelashes are.

By the end of our list she figured out how much fun it was to grab the handle and bounce up and down, but of course she wouldn't once smile for the camera. When she did look at me all I got was this familiar blank stare.
I agreed because, I thought Haley would look really cute riding in the shopping cart instead of her carseat for the first time. And of course, I was right...just check out this cuteness.
