Dear Haley,
Wow, I can't believe you are 8 months old. It really just doesn't seem possible. This month has been a lot of fun. You are on a really good routine right now and are almost always happy - unless you are hungry or tired, but then it's usually our fault that we got you off schedule
You are eating Stage 2 foods and pretty much like everything. We tried to let you eat pieces of a real banana, but you were not too excited about that. You do like Puffs though and can now get one in your mouth on the first try about 60-70% of the time. You use your left hand first and more often than your right.
You've started doing more "big girl" things like sitting at the table when we go out to eat, riding in the seat of the grocery cart, and you went swinging for the first time this month. You also cut your first tooth (your bottom left) 3 days before your 8 month birthday. Your hair has also started growing too - I swear some mornings I can actually see that it's longer than it was the night before.

You've started making some new noises this month, which has been pretty entertaining. You laugh and cackle at Daddy as soon as you see him each afternoon. And there is this growling noise that was really scary at first - you sounded like you were possessed - but is pretty funny now. You also like to spit out your food during breakfast, which is annoying, but still cute when you clap afterwards like you're proud of yourself! And whenever you see a paper towel while in your highchair you scrunch up your face and blow air out of your mouth because you think we are going to clean your face.
You aren't crawling yet, but you get around by rolling, going backwards, and scooting on your butt. And you've already managed to find electrical outlets, wires, and every bit of anything that's on the floor. Some of your favorite things to play with are these little plastic balls that make different noises, and you love to chew on your bathtub toys anytime. You still like the excersaucer and really like it when we put your stacking cups on the tray and let you throw them all on the floor.
You have such a sweet personality, love to smile and play, and bring such joy to my life. It's still hard for me to believe that you are mine. I never knew that I could love you so wholly, so completely, so much. I am grateful for you every day, and I cherish every moment with you. Love, Mama
Wow, I can't believe you are 8 months old. It really just doesn't seem possible. This month has been a lot of fun. You are on a really good routine right now and are almost always happy - unless you are hungry or tired, but then it's usually our fault that we got you off schedule
