Little Owen

Justin and I made a quick side trip to Greenwood to see our good friends Chris and Erin and their brand new baby Owen. He was 13 days old and just perfect and so precious!

I love seeing my man hold a newborn baby!The new mama looks great and is a natural mom.

Man, I love the way a newborn smellsThe proud DaddySweet Little Owen Charles
I was shocked when we walked in and saw how small Owen was (he weighed 7 lbs and 1/2 ounce the day before). It's unbelievable that my chunky little baby was so tiny just 6 months ago. It's just amazing how fast they grow up. It was a quick two hours, but it was really good to meet Owen, see Chris and Erin, and watch them with their son.


Sarah said…
I love your new header pictures; you have done an excellent job figuring out! I love that she is holding her foot in the one!