Justin's dad came to visit us Father's Day weekend. He got there in time to feed Haley dinner Friday night. She really like to hold his hand and kept playing with his arm too.

She was a little messier than usual, but we'll give Grandad a break since it's been quite a few years since he last feed a baby! Saturday there was more feeding - he gave Haley squash for the first time. 
She was not impressed.

They also did some playing and Haley had a good time with her Grandad. She had grown and changed a lot since the last time he saw and her and it was great to see them together again. Thanks for coming down to see us Grandad - we had a really nice visit! 
I was slack and didn't get any pictures of Justin with Haley on his first Father's Day, but that's the day she started to feel pretty bad, so I blame Haley!
