This month has been pretty busy and a lot of fun. We started out the month with Justin's first Father's Day, a visit from your Grandad, and your second cold. You were sent home from daycare and were pretty pathetic for a couple days, but you had 14 days of antibiotics and have been feeling great ever since.
Look at that chubby little cheek!

You now eat squash, peas, sweet potatoes, pears, and applesauce. In fact, the only food you haven't like so far is peaches - you also don't mind just gnawing on your high chair whenever I'm not fast enough. You can sit very well by yourself, take baths in the big bathtub, and you and Scooter have become good friends.

It seems like you've really grown up this month. You want to grab everything, especially cell phones and remote controls. You like to stand up and rock in your exersaucer and are spending lots of time on your tummy getting ready to crawl, but so far you can only go backwards! You like to study things and sometimes I swear I can see the wheels turning in your head as you figure things out. 

Here's a video of the exersaucer antics!

I'm so glad that we made a trip to Columbia so everyone could see you. You are such a happy baby and really entertained people. You'll be on the move before too long, so I'm really thankful that our families got to spend some time with you while you are still so sweet and cuddly.

Haley, I am so blessed to be your mom. The amount of love and joy you have brought to my life is indescribable. Your smile lights up the room and my heart grows bigger each time I see it. I have such hopes and dreams for you and can't wait to see what the future holds. I wonder what you'll look like, what you'll be good at, what you'll enjoy, what will make you laugh, what will make you cry. . . . but for now, I will just hold you tight, shower you with kisses, and hope you'll be my baby girl forever. Love, Mama
