Haley is feeling better now, but here's some pictures from the past week. Sunday afternoon she started feeling bad and took a 3 hour nap on my chest.

Then she just passed out in the middle of her bottle before bed. I should have known then it would be a rough night 'cause big girl doesn't sleep through many meals.
She was up every hour for 6 hours Sunday night coughing and extremely congested. So I took her to the doctor Monday morning. It was probably just a relapse of the same cold she had earlier this month, but this time she will stay on antibiotics for 7 days after she is symptom free.
Monday night was better and she seemed ok Tuesday morning, so I took her to daycare and went to work. I got called about 11:00 and had to go pick her up because she had 102 fever. So I brought her home and she was pretty pathetic the next 2 days. I made a pallet for her on our bed and let her nap in her "den of sickness".

Friday I took her back to daycare, but I skipped work to get a massage instead! (One of the few perks of knowing you will be laid off is being guilt free for missing days). She is feeling back to her old self today and hopefully we have a normal healthy week ahead of us.
