The sixth month of Haley's life was an interesting one. We started out with a trip to Greenwood, where some of our best friends got to meet our sweet baby for the first time and we got to celebrate with a baby shower for the Carrolls. Haley and I also made a side trip to Anderson for Stephanie's graduation party and she got to meet some of my girls for the first time. I was slack and only took a couple pictures (of Haley) that whole weekend, so I haven't posted any from that trip. Haley had been a little congested and it turned into her first big cold that weekend. She was still pretty good most of the trip, except for one hour in the car on the way there and a rough night in Anderson (sorry Steph!).
At home Haley moved up into the next class at daycare and of course they just love her - her old teacher stops by and takes her for a walk at least once a week, so I know she is well cared for. Haley now knows her name and will look at you most of the time if you call her. If she doesn't look at you she's probably busy playing with her feet. They have become her favorite thing in the world! She instantly grabs them whenever you set her down, but chubby girl can only get them in her mouth if she is naked - otherwise herbelly diaper constricts her. 
Another thing she really likes is eating! She has tried oatmeal, green beans, carrots, and bananas (her favorite). She sits in the high chair and figured out really quickly how fun it is to make lots noise by banging her hands on the tray.

She's been swimming a few times and likes to splash water with her hands, play with her toys and doesn't cry when we dunk her head under water. She has also gotten brave around the dogs and tries to grab their fur, ears, eyes, or mouth anytime they are close enough. The dogs have been really good with her and are especially nice after she eats. We finally took her to get professional pictures made and she did pretty well. She cried a little bit at first, but settled down and we got some good pictures. We were very impressed with how well she was sitting up by herself and she pretty much has it mastered now. (I'll email the link to the pictures after we send out some paper copies this week - just leave me a comment that you want to see them and I'll send it to you). 

She did have a doctor's appointment on her 6 month bday and she weighed in at a whopping 16 lbs 15 oz and was 25 3/4 inches long. Which is the 75% for weight and 50% for height. Her hemoglobin was slightly low, so he prescribed some iron drops for her to take, but other than that said she looked great. Aside from being sick, it was a good month. Haley is a pretty happy baby and she is definitely the light of our lives.
At home Haley moved up into the next class at daycare and of course they just love her - her old teacher stops by and takes her for a walk at least once a week, so I know she is well cared for. Haley now knows her name and will look at you most of the time if you call her. If she doesn't look at you she's probably busy playing with her feet. They have become her favorite thing in the world! She instantly grabs them whenever you set her down, but chubby girl can only get them in her mouth if she is naked - otherwise her
