Our fourth month with Haley was filled with changes. We started out the month with our first road trip to Tara and Eric’s wedding. The wedding was great and our whole trip went pretty smoothly. Haley showed she has excellent timing and started taking a pacifier the week before the trip and actually started sleeping completely through the night while we were away. She goes to bed around 7:30 and most nights will sleep until around 7:30 the next morning! She still wakes up some nights, but I’m certainly not going to complain about the occasional midnight feeding or changing.

The biggest change of the month was me returning to work and Haley starting day care. The first day was really bad and I cried almost the whole day. I only cried a little the second day and haven’t cried since then. It was a little rough for Haley to start with, but she’s gotten used to her teachers and all the activity and I think she enjoys it now. Her teachers just love her and I feel really good about leaving her there. Now if only I could get used to waking up early enough to get to work on time – but since I’m losing my job later this year anyway I’m not too worried about it.
Haley has become a lot more fun this month and loves to “talk”. She laughs a good bit and has started squealing too. Her favorite right now is to say gugugugugu or to blow bubbles. She loves to hold soft things like blankets, burp cloths, and clothes and of course wants to put everything in her mouth.
Near the end of the month she started trying to hold her own bottle – she can support it, but can’t quite keep it in her mouth by herself. She also started doing circles in her crib. We put her to bed on her side, swaddled, and facing the wall, but one morning when I went in to wake her up something was different. It took me a minute to realize that her feet were on the other end of the crib and she was now facing her room. Then a couple nights later I heard her stirring, checked the video monitor and saw her at a 90 deg rotation from where she started and then later she was at 180 degrees and then when she woke up in the morning she was back to her original position – so I don’t know how long she’s been doing this!

At her 4 month check up she weighed in at 11 lbs 13 oz and moved up to the 10th% for weight. She measured 22.5” and was in the 3rd% for height. Her pediatrician said she looked great and that we can start giving her cereal whenever we want. She also got 4 shots which was pretty tough on both of us!

The biggest change of the month was me returning to work and Haley starting day care. The first day was really bad and I cried almost the whole day. I only cried a little the second day and haven’t cried since then. It was a little rough for Haley to start with, but she’s gotten used to her teachers and all the activity and I think she enjoys it now. Her teachers just love her and I feel really good about leaving her there. Now if only I could get used to waking up early enough to get to work on time – but since I’m losing my job later this year anyway I’m not too worried about it.
Ready for the first day of "school"

Haley has become a lot more fun this month and loves to “talk”. She laughs a good bit and has started squealing too. Her favorite right now is to say gugugugugu or to blow bubbles. She loves to hold soft things like blankets, burp cloths, and clothes and of course wants to put everything in her mouth.
Near the end of the month she started trying to hold her own bottle – she can support it, but can’t quite keep it in her mouth by herself. She also started doing circles in her crib. We put her to bed on her side, swaddled, and facing the wall, but one morning when I went in to wake her up something was different. It took me a minute to realize that her feet were on the other end of the crib and she was now facing her room. Then a couple nights later I heard her stirring, checked the video monitor and saw her at a 90 deg rotation from where she started and then later she was at 180 degrees and then when she woke up in the morning she was back to her original position – so I don’t know how long she’s been doing this!

At her 4 month check up she weighed in at 11 lbs 13 oz and moved up to the 10th% for weight. She measured 22.5” and was in the 3rd% for height. Her pediatrician said she looked great and that we can start giving her cereal whenever we want. She also got 4 shots which was pretty tough on both of us!
