After a little while everyone emptied out, I tried to nurse Haley again, which went pretty well and soon the nurse came in to help me get up and go to the bathroom. We stayed down in labor and delivery until about lunchtime and then were moved to the mother and baby floor. We had to share a room at first, but after about 3 hours we were moved into our own room. We stayed there Thursday night and tried to send Haley to the nursery after each feeding so that we could sleep, but the nursery was too full and there were a lot of c-sections, so they had to keep those babies first. So the 3 of us had our first night together as a family. The night was kind of rough because she didn’t fall asleep right away after eating. She cried some and didn’t like laying in her bassinet. So we ended up propping her up in the boppy on the hospital bed with me and she slept fairly well there. Justin changed a couple of diapers and we both got a few broken hours of sleep.

I got up around 7:00 Friday morning to take a shower and get cleaned up. Mike came to the hospital pretty early while Haley was being checked out by her pediatrician. She was released about 9:00, but we were worried I wouldn’t be discharged because my blood pressure was up again. Luckily the midwife agreed that I would rest much better at home, so I was discharged about 10:00 Friday morning. We had visits from the pediatrician, midwife, OB, Lactation Consultant and records department and then Granny and Pops came by too. It took awhile to pack everything up and Justin had to put Haley in real clothes for the first time, but we left the hospital around 12:00 with our little girl that was barely 24 hours old!

Headed home!